Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Even Closer....

We are so very close! Charlie Company is in the lead with an impressive 13,084 miles logged so far! Alpha is very close behind with 12,272.60 miles. All of the companies are doing great and still have time to catch up. I really think these next couple of weeks will be the determining factor in which company walks to Afghanistan and Back first! Remember, it is 14,400 miles to Afghanistan and Back!

You all should be so proud of all you have accomplished thus far. You have gotten out and logged miles and walked, ran, swam, biked, rowed, danced, and paddleboard your way to a healthier you! We have logged an amazing

51,391.86 miles

in all! Give yourselves a huge pat on the back for all those miles!

Here are the standings:
1st Place: Charlie Company 13,084 miles
2nd Place: Alpha Company 12, 272.60 miles
3rd Place: Weapons Company 10,752.08 miles
4th Place: H & S Company 9,462.22 miles
5th Place: Bravo Company 5,820.96 miles

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